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Granton Harbour homes further a coastal quarter vision

March 24 2022

Granton Harbour homes further a coastal quarter vision

Places for People Developments has opened a second consultation for a planned housing development at Granton Waterfront, Edinburgh.

Part of the central development area of Edinburgh Waterfront Granton phase 4 will deliver a mix of 146 private and affordable flats, terraces and townhouses on vacant ground. Varied tones of buff brick are suggested to define separate blocks.

In a vision statement EMA Architecture + Design wrote: "The proposed development will be medium density, providing circa. 146 new homes on a site with central areas of shared and public open space, private gardens to all ground floor flats and houses and structural planting across the site.

"Frontages have been designed to address key routes and spaces within the proposal. The block pattern provides natural surveillance across all spaces on-site, promoting a sense of safety and enhancing the pedestrian priority, which connects to the street out-with the boundary."

A formal planning application is expected by April.


#1 Posted by Peter on 24 Mar 2022 at 10:11 AM
'Feel like home at Granton Urban Village!' - instant hit for northern expats.
#2 Posted by KMCA on 24 Mar 2022 at 12:18 PM
I'm not seeing a lot of parking for these 143 properties. If the area had adequate public transport that'd be great, except it disnae.
Craig Sanderson
#3 Posted by Craig Sanderson on 24 Mar 2022 at 18:39 PM
How many of the new dwellings will be 'affordable' and how many of these will be available for social rent?
#4 Posted by Nikki on 5 Sep 2022 at 10:27 AM
We need more public places for walking , sitting ,playing . A community is not a community without providing individuals and families with these places . If you build hundreds of residential spaces without places for people to go ,wellbeing will plummet and anti anti social behaviour couid be created..Can we not turn some land into places of activity which reflect being on the coast . Couid we not have a safe enclosed water area for children and young people especially to learn rowing , kayaking ect..Please can Granton Harbour still keep.somw.of it's natural coastal look. Peace could Granton Harbour include a boat service to locations up and down the East coast . Couid we also have a marine museum celebrating Granton's coastal past whiist embracing it's future . Couid we not make Granton Harbour a destination for all . Lastly ,couid some of the coastal wall come down so we have a natural sea front looking out to the water . People of all ages Wouid benefit from having a beach front to enjoy. During covid beaches became places of wellbeing ..Please couid we create a beach at Granton Harbour
All of the above would not only benefit locals but all who visit the Harbour incl. guest to the to be built hotel and marina

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