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Anniesland Bowling Club makes way for 66-bed care home

October 22 2021

Anniesland Bowling Club makes way for 66-bed care home

A former bowling and tennis club in Anniesland has been chosen as the location for a 66-bed residential care home by Northcare.

The high-care environment will cater to the needs of the over 80's, catering to the higher dependency needs and frailty issues of a demographic for which current care homes and supported living accommodation may not be sufficient.

Unum Partnership has been tasked with making this plan a reality, replacing an underused sports ground off Helensburgh Drive with a stone-fronted L-plan block that will include a community garden and rooftop terrace to replace lost amenity.

The care home operator will also make a payment toward alternative provision for a tennis court and bowling green nearby. Access to the landlocked site will be provided via a widened access route made possible by the acquisition of a narrow strip of land from 103 Helensburgh Drive.

Conceived as a pavilion surrounded by landscaping the care home will be recessed behind landscaped grounds to maximise views and light, providing a mix of private and public spaces for broader community use.

In a detailed design statement, Unum wrote: "In the past, there has typically been an architectural language that the majority of care homes have followed. Traditional designs and construction were usually followed to create care homes with a domestic residential appearance.

"As part of this process, it is our intention to create a care home that is a contemporary take on the traditional sandstone tenement. Using traditional materials such as sandstone in a modern way."

The finished block will feature protruding bays, horizontal rebates and articulated gables to reduce apparent massing, topped by a third-floor dining area with expansive views toward the Campsie Fells. 

An existing access road will be widened as part of the works
An existing access road will be widened as part of the works
The blonde sandstone block is modelled on a traditional tenement
The blonde sandstone block is modelled on a traditional tenement

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