Forgotten Old Town backcourt to be brought back to life
August 23 2021
An Old Town backcourt is the subject of attention for Kiltane Properties under plans to extend an existing retail unit.
ISA Architecture and Design have been commissioned to refurbish and extend a retail unit at 11A James Court off the Lawnmarket to provide a tranquil coffee house surrounded by tenements.
Making the most of an underused space the intervention will spruce up a neglected space by replacing concrete slabs and modern brick paviors with improved hard landscaping (subject to separate engagement with owners, occupiers and stakeholders).
ISA wrote: "The retail unit has a generally shabby appearance with flaking cementitious render, vegetation growth and water damage apparent. There are temporary timber screens and untidy clutter attached to the building.
"Our proposals have been developed to retain the vaulted cellars and minimise alterations to the massive masonry walls to the north & west."
Works will include raising the current roof and exposing stone walls while establishing a new interior route to the courtyard from the Lawnmarket.
James Court was built between 1723 and 1727 by developer James Brownhill, counting esteemed tenants such as David Hume and Patrick Geddes but was largely rebuilt in the 1890s following an 1857 fire.
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