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£2.4m Port Glasgow nursery extension completes

August 13 2021

£2.4m Port Glasgow nursery extension completes

Inverclyde Council has completed a £2.4m nursery extension in Port Glasgow incorporating a new entrance, staff accommodation, playroom and outdoor learning space.

The new wing of accommodation at The Rainbow Family Centre has been designed by Holmes Miller Architects and delivered by CCG on behalf of Hub West Scotland.

Built on an existing car park, relocated to the former Park farm Community Hall, the extension connects seamlessly to the existing nursery.   Housing an additional 64 children the extension helps deliver a council commitment to double early years provision to 1,140 hours per eligible child per year.

The Rainbow extension is a sister development to the £2.9m Larkfield Early Learning Centre in Greenock delivered by the same team and scheduled to open next month.

Construction began last September
Construction began last September
The existing nursery remained in use throughout
The existing nursery remained in use throughout


Robin B's Discount
#1 Posted by Robin B's Discount on 16 Aug 2021 at 10:23 AM
How is this Hub thing still going? The whole procurement is costing the taxpayer a fortune! At least they seem to have slowed down their sleekit PFI funding model though.
#2 Posted by Zoltan on 16 Aug 2021 at 11:29 AM
@UR Don't suppose you have a link to the planning application, would be interesting to see how much grim publicly procured architecture £2.4M gets you these days
#3 Posted by UR on 16 Aug 2021 at 11:39 AM
Sure, here are the documents
#4 Posted by RankieLass on 16 Aug 2021 at 15:43 PM
Anyone who works in construction must know how little £2.4m will get you.

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