Lancefield Quay vision prepped for 2022 ground-breaking
February 8 2021
A public consultation held by joint venture development partners Osborne + Co and MRP - the property development and investment division of construction company McAleer & Rushe - has fleshed out proposals to reactivate a 4.3-acre former foundry and depot at Lancefield Quay, Glasgow, which has lain derelict since 2007.
A mixed-use masterplan prepared by Keppie Design incorporates three blocks, providing 300 apartments for private sale and a further 400 flats spread across twin built to rent blocks, the tallest of which would reach 16 storeys in height.
This would restore the site as an urban city block and establish a green network of enhanced pubic realm and open space connecting with Lancefield Quay, Elliott Street and Lancefield Street. Key to this approach will be a reactivated quayside with south-facing buildings set back from the road to provide an active frontage lined by cafes and shops that will lead to a community green an a semi-public 'secret garden' toward the interior by way of a terraced link.
In a statement, the project team said: "The built forms throughout the site divide it into a variety of terraced public and private spaces, avenues, private courtyards and lanes, which increase in privacy as you move up through the site. This hierarchy of routes creates a safe and vibrant space for pedestrians and cyclists."
Feedback on the plan is invited until 26 February to inform an application for planning in principle this spring. All going well construction should begin in 2022 for completion from 2023 onwards.
![]() A terraced link will draw pedestrians to semi-public gardens and a community green at the heart of the block
This looks a very promising proposal. More of this, please!
Too many zombie companies just squatting on city centre sites as the housebuilders klondyke on edge of town greenfield sites all across west central Scotland.
Not good -- game playing at every level.
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