Provan Hall to take its place as Seven Lochs centrepiece
July 26 2019
LDN Architects have taken forward restoration proposals for the 16th century Provan Hall in Easterhouse, near Glasgow Fort, as part of plans to turn the A-listed building into a focal point for the Seven Lochs Wetland Park.
The current visitor centre is owned by the National Trust for Scotland property will be upgraded to provide improved facilities and interpretation with a new courtyard and paving, formation of an additional doorway and stonework repairs.
Explaining the importance of this work LDN wrote in an impact statement: “Investing in the visitor experience and community engagement at Provan Hall will enable the building to fulfil it’s potential as a visitor attraction, and ensure that it is protected into the future.
“The building is completely unique within Glasgow and it is essential that a wide range of visitors are welcomed to the building and that they can experience it in a safe and comfortable way.”
Planned alternations centre on health and safety concerns of an expected increase in visitor numbers and includes replacing uneven stone setts with reclaimed cobbles, swapping out a low non-original oak balustrade to improve access to the upper floor and amending an exterior iron stair rail to meet modern building regulations.
A rear courtyard window will also be remodelled as a doorway to improve accessibility.
Back to July 2019
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