Glasgow investigates urban greening via M8 roof garden
January 9 2019
Glasgow City Council has progressed its vision to deck over a section of the M8 motorway through Charing Cross as part of a wider public realm initiative for the area born out of the Sauchiehall Avenue project.
The authority is expected to award a £250k contract for a design feasibility study on the idea shortly, encompassing engineering considerations, costs, a construction strategy and traffic management.
Indicative images show how the traffic choked interchange could be transformed into a pedestrian friendly environment by bringing forward improvements to Charing Cross North, South and the area between the Mitchell library with Charing Cross Station.
Each project could be delivered in isolation or in tandem and include a vision to create a ‘roof garden’ over the motorway below as well as wider landscape improvements such as a public square outside Charing Cross Station and a pedestrian/cycle bridge connecting to the Mitchell Library.
A council spokesman remarked: “While the idea of a cap over the M8 is only one of the proposals now entering the feasibility study stage, it does reflect our ambitions and priorities in putting people at the centre of the regeneration of the city centre.”
A lead consultant and multi-disciplinary design team will be appointed ‘very shortly’.
Sadly no public square possible to connect Charing Cross Station to the Mitchell as there is a train line runs underneath the m8 just there.
I agree with most comments that this actually needs to be extended further even if this means a longer tunnel for cars.
It would be great to see a proper square in front of the library making it more of a civic space.
Whilst I get these tried to improve Tay House with what looks like planting ultimately the section of Tay House which covers the road is completely awful and always has been. Nothing other than removing that element will improve its appearance.
One of the bases on which architecture is founded is to solve the natural and human problems a site presents. Not just sketch whatever you like.
Yes it would be delightful if a tunnel could hide the whole Charing Cross and Anderson stretches of the M8. It also be wonderful if its walls were paved with gold. Unfortunately not all things are possible.
There are clearly structural reasons why these initial sketches haven't continued the cap in front of the Mitchell. Almost certainly it'll be to do with the practicality of lowering the railway line, coupled with a desire not to obscure the library with an elevated cover. That is all up for debate, and will no doubt be considered properly by the feasibility study.
But to be so negative about what has to be one of the most exciting and brave schemes in Scotland on the basis that 'the cap isn't big enough' is utterly beyond me. Cheer up!
If they can’t do that then why bother
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