First residents move into Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village
February 20 2015
Residents have begun moving into Glasgow’s Athletes’ Village following a retrofit of the 35.8 hectare site from temporary accommodation for 7,000 competitors and officials to 700 permanent homes.Over 250 of 300 properties put up for sale have now been sold, with the rest set to be handed over to local housing associations for social rent.
Glasgow City Council leader Gordon Matheson, said: “The build quality of these homes is the highest in a housing development in Glasgow, raising the bar in what can be expected in the city and beyond. The city council has received a great deal of praise for the imaginative planning of this development, and I look forward to everyone living here enjoying the success of this new community in the years to come.”
Further development work is ongoing at the Village with the finishing touches being applied to a 120-bed care home together with a new community hub outside the Emirates Arena. A woodland park is also being built on the Cuningar Loop, to which a bridge will be built later this year and GCC has committed to build a new primary school and nursery for the area.
In addition the removal of temporary facilities has freed up land for an additional 200 homes to the south west of the site with further phased expansion on the cards beyond this.
Developed by the City Legacy Consortium, comprising CCG, Cruden, Mactaggart & Mickel and WH Malcolm, the Athletes’ Village was designed by the former Paul Stallan Studio at RMJM. Wilson & Gunn were architects for the Dalmarnock Legacy Hub.
![]() The Dalmarnock Legacy Hub will house a GP surgery, children's nursery, chemist and shop. It is due to open over the next few months
#2 Posted by Hingwy on 23 Feb 2015 at 13:28 PM
Some pretty heavy algae staining going on.
#3 Posted by Roddy on 24 Feb 2015 at 01:57 AM
A startlingly perspicacious critique.
A startlingly perspicacious critique.
#4 Posted by Hingwy on 24 Feb 2015 at 08:51 AM
Forgive me for pointing out a clear defect on a very new scheme.
#5 Posted by Osbert Lancaster on 24 Feb 2015 at 14:52 PM
This scheme is looking great, and the Care Home does a good job of creating an urban edge to the scheme. It is a cut above the usual drab render and brick vernacular of I Don't Care Homes!
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The odd site that it occupies has given rise to something that looks incongruous next to its larger neighbour even though they are both rendered in mean joyless monochrome. One can only hope that the ground level will see some level of activation and exchange.