Affordable homes on the rise at a prominent Southside junction
March 20 2025
A social housing landlord has broken ground on 50 new homes at a prominent junction on Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow.
Southside Housing Association has commissioned AS Homes and Keppie Design to deliver the project, replacing an Arnold Clark Showroom with a range of apartments, including wheelchair-accessible properties.
Set within landscaped communal areas the flats will have access to play areas and seating accessible via graphite footpaths to encourage social interaction.
Paul Kelly, managing director of AS Homes, said: "This project will breathe new life into the area, revitalising a derelict site into a vibrant, sustainable community designed with the needs of future residents in mind.
“By delivering high-quality, energy-efficient homes in a well-connected location, we are addressing the direct demand for affordable housing in the west of Scotland while also enhancing the local environment with thoughtfully designed green spaces and modern communal facilities."
Completion is expected by 2026.
At the corner, there are bedrooms facing onto pollokshaws road. i would suggest that these bedrooms are not sleepable in for the following reasons: the street is an echo chamber, buses changing gears at lights, ambulance and police sirens, club goers discharging noisily at 2 and 3 am and the seagulls feasting fighting over the kebabs at 5 am. So in a word, not even looking at traffic vibration, the problem is noise for bedrooms facing onto the road. To mitigate this could the designers consider triple glazing these bedroom windows and incorporating sound attenuated vents in these windows. otherwise it is literally a living hell for residents.