Hypostyle draw up clachan-style housing for booming Dunbeg
February 27 2025
A fresh wave of mixed housing has been proposed for Dunbeg, a fast-growing village two miles north of Oban.
Building on an earlier development of 300 affordable homes the latest expansion is again being driven by social landlord the Link Group, which has appointed Hypostyle and Gillespies to oversee further development to the south toward Ganavan.
A mixed provision of 433 homes is proposed, predominantly for social rent, alongside student and assisted living accommodation. The plan also provides a commercial area served by a new roundabout off the A85 and future homes for private sale.
In their design statement, Hypostyle observed: "The massing and groupings of the housing are derived from traditional Argyll and Bute ‘clachans’ or clustered forms comprising of short terraces or as semi-detached properties with private back gardens, semi-private areas to the front and parking is provided in curtilage to every plot."
Housing will adopt a muted palette of blues, greys, silver and feature green metalwork with feature gables of fibre cement cladding in vertical and horizontal configurations.
Other key components include an elderly living complex comprising 33 homes punctuated by pitched roof, chimneys and feature walls in a courtyard cluster finished in anthracite and red standing seam wrapped continuously over walls and roofs, replicating the design of the housing.
This, however, looks interesting.