Burdiehouse homes to address Edinburgh's housing shortfall
February 4 2025
The City of Edinburgh Council is continuing efforts to alleviate its housing emergency by developing 49 homes for social and mid-market rent at Burdiehouse Crescent.
To be built by contractor CCG to designs by Smith Scott Mullan the homes will adhere to the Edinburgh Home Demonstrator programme, an off-site manufacturing initiative.
Occupying a 0.81ha brownfield site opposite St Crispin's School the project will deliver two four-storey apartment blocks bookending a combination of terraced houses and colonies - all overlooking a central play and recreation area.
Outlining their design proposals the architects wrote: "This level of massing allows the development to provide a high level of density to the site. The flatted blocks are also located within larger open-spaced areas and have been positioned so as not to feel overbearing to the existing housing opposite."
There are currently thought to be around 5,000 'homeless households' residing in temporary accommodation across the city.