Architect collab to replace Gorbals tower blocks with family homes
December 19 2024
Page\Park and Elder & Cannon Architects have filed a dual application for 152 affordable homes at Caledonia Road, Glasgow, for Gorbals Housing Association.
The new housing for social rent will partially offset the loss of 276 flats in two empty high rise blocks opposite the Southern Necropolis, scheduled for blowdown by the summer of 2025.
Emphasising larger apartment sizes to meet tenant demand the cross-plan development takes the form of north and south apartment blocks focussed on a central play space and through route. Elder & Cannon will pick up the Caledonia Road frontage and Page/Park are to deliver the Oregon Street element with RankinFraser overseeing the landscaping.
In a design statement Elder & Cannon wrote: "The proposal comprises two separate 7-6 storey linear blocks inflected on an angle in from Caledonia Rd, providing a softening dynamic of the play between these two formal edge blocks onto the Necropolis.
"They reflect a reverse of the curved form of the existing Oregon Street block to the north, holding a space that is set back from Caledonia Rd along this southern edge, setting up views into and out of the heart of the site, allowing for more interest to the oblique and gable views along Caledonia Rd and opening up sunpaths to the middle gardens."
Angled blocks with open ends are proposed to bring light to all parts of the site and maintain visual connectivity with roof gardens and open corners contributing visual variety. By contrast, Page/Park propose larger apartment blocks to each corner of the northern portion of the site, linked by main door maisonettes and townhouses.
In a complementary design statement the practice added: "To address the challenge of the asymmetric curve on Oregon Street, we have staggered a series of blocks, creating a unified and rhythmic elevation along the street with varying building heights. The bay window detail has been incorporated throughout the scheme, enhancing the corner condition of the site."
On a serious point, enclosed balconies ie. shallow sunrooms might be a good shout as per #1 & 2 have suggested.
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The box like facade with balconies is ok, but would be much better with just 1m deeper balconies, with glass sliding doors to enclose them for winter. This is widely done in Switzerland and Netherlands etc. That simple change would benefit visually and for the residents.