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Window of opportunity for Dundee's Discovery Point

October 11 2024

Window of opportunity for Dundee's Discovery Point

Aim Design has set out a transformation plan for Dundee's Discovery Point, which seeks to improve the museum's relationship with the River Tay by installing a large picture window.

Dundee Heritage Trust has commissioned the practice to future-proof the attraction inside and out including the addition of a 360-degree auditorium and the establishment of a ground-floor events and break-out space. Other changes include new exhibition spaces and a relocated cafe overlooking the river.

Superceding earlier plans for a zinc-clad extension the latest plans build on a 2021 refurbishment by retaining the museum's distinctive octagonal profile, carving out a double-height opening to the presently blank southeast face fronting Riverside Walk.

Outlining the aesthetic and performance improvements of this approach Aim wrote: "A new curtain walling is proposed that uses minimal steel components, is thermally broken, is triple glazed and will deliver significant improvements over the original curtain wall system.

"A vertical expression is proposed to emphasise the height of the glass openings. Each vertical element includes an external steel fin to express the industrial aesthetic externally and to assimilate generally with the metal-clad finish of the extension. All horizontal joints are seamless to reinforce the vertical nature of the façade."

Stripping away faux Victorian detailing from the original 1990s construction the new approach will help to activate a dead-end corner of the riverfront.

A ground floor events space and cafe above will take full advantage of the new vista
A ground floor events space and cafe above will take full advantage of the new vista
The glazed opening will offer panoramic full width Tay views
The glazed opening will offer panoramic full width Tay views


town planner
#1 Posted by town planner on 11 Oct 2024 at 12:58 PM
That type of stone, and the lower part of the roof is giving me swimming pool/leisure centre vibes sadly.
Given it's right next to the Kuma-designed V&A you would hope for a bit better.
#2 Posted by Chris on 14 Oct 2024 at 09:14 AM
#1 It's been there 25+ years longer than the V&A! Obviously nowhere near the same level of quality but this seems like an acceptable refurb given the budget constraints.
#3 Posted by Rankielass on 15 Oct 2024 at 09:42 AM
It was always beyond belief that the original design turned its back to the river and view. It did however have a wonderful outlook over the dual carriageway!
#4 Posted by TARA on 15 Oct 2024 at 10:14 AM
looks like a mosque!

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