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Bridges, ramps and steps to unite Edinburgh's Old & New Towns

September 17 2024

Bridges, ramps and steps to unite Edinburgh's Old & New Towns

Edinburgh's Princes Street is set to be opened up to make more of the underutilised Waverley Valley as part of a strategy to unite the Old and New Towns.

The draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley strategy approved by planners identifies a variety of accessibility improvements stretching from Waverley Station to the West End; including additional ramp and stair access to Princes Street Gardens, a new footbridge east of the station and a redesigned Waverley market roof terrace.

Improvements to existing connections are also planned, notably, a placemaking project at the Mound Precinct centred on movable benches encouraging people to dwell.

Princes Street meanwhile would be home to pop-up premises, 'building wraps' and creative street hoardings to activate vacant premises and provide temporary incomes. Removal of 'life-expired' concrete paving slabs laid in the 90s would also permit consistent material finishes.

Subject to further committee approval in October the draft strategy will be put out to public consultation before being finalised next year.

A rejigged Waverley Station serves as the lynchpin of the strategy
A rejigged Waverley Station serves as the lynchpin of the strategy
Improved paving and crossing points will dissolve the barrier presented by Princes Sreet
Improved paving and crossing points will dissolve the barrier presented by Princes Sreet

1 Comment

Graeme McCormick
#1 Posted by Graeme McCormick on 17 Sep 2024 at 12:46 PM
I suppose the promised replacement for the Ross Bandstand is but a distant memory?

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