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Meticulous conservation work secures the future of a popular Glasgow gallery

September 11 2024

Meticulous conservation work secures the future of a popular Glasgow gallery

A meticulous conservation initiative has secured the future of a popular Glasgow art gallery with the completion of stonework repairs by John Gilbert Architects.

Working with museum operator Glasgow Life, City Building and Narro, the team have addressed stonework decay and stabilised masonry while improving decorative and structural elements such as the windows, roof and leadwork.

Corinthian capitals, rosettes and carvings have also been made more legible with lost details reinstated.

Isabel Brown, head of infrastructure support at Glasgow Life, said: “Working with John Gilbert Architects on this project has ensured the expert restoration of one of Glasgow’s most important cultural assets. The work has been completed sensitively and returned GoMA to its intended beauty. The repairs will make sure this unique and historic building can continue to be enjoyed by local people and visitors for many years to come.”

The Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), redesigned by David Hamilton in the 1880s, has stood proud at the head of Ingram Street since 1778 but deteriorating masonry, particularly around the primary cornice, had put its future in doubt.

Photography by Tom Manley

Decorative Corinthian columns have been given a new lease of life
Decorative Corinthian columns have been given a new lease of life
Precarious stonework has been stabilised and repaired
Precarious stonework has been stabilised and repaired


James Hepburn
#1 Posted by James Hepburn on 11 Sep 2024 at 16:21 PM
We should celebrate. Glasgow City Council more often than not goes out of its way to destroy our architectural heritage.
#2 Posted by KB on 11 Sep 2024 at 17:28 PM
If they looked after it in the first place, the cost would have been a fraction of what they're spending.
#3 Posted by Roddy_ on 11 Sep 2024 at 23:41 PM
This is excellent news.But Buddleia already growing out of the clock tower. I realise this part wasn't part of the recent conservation works but it needs removed asap. And a real shame about the variegated tones of said tower.

On a wider note the neglect of the buildings surrounding GOMA is utterly shameful. Saturated stonework and accompanying algae and black streaks, more Buddleia, ballustrades about to coup, flaking windows and masonry paint and poorly maintained shopfronts. It feels like only a matter of time before things become critical and we get another set of headlines like those from Bridge St, Calton Place or The ABC. The new Heritage Commission really has its work cut out.
#4 Posted by Mark on 16 Sep 2024 at 22:26 PM
On the positive side, it's good to see that Wellington's Cone has been also been conserved.

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