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Possilpark cinema safety questioned in listing appeal

September 10 2024

Possilpark cinema safety questioned in listing appeal

The owner of a historic cinema facade in Possilpark, recently granted C-listed status, has appealed against its protected status, arguing that the red sandstone frontage is unsafe and in danger of collapse.

A recent inspection by Huq Consulting on behalf of Allied Vehicles found that the removal of the roof had compromised the structural integrity of surviving elements, posing a danger to the public. To rectify this it is recommended that lost structural supports be reinstated or that the surviving facade be taken down to its foundations.

Calling into question validity of the appeal campaigner Alan Dunlop told Urban Realm: "Their (Huq Consulting) inspection carried out in January was a visual inspection, not a thorough structural inspection at all. I would question the report and that the frontage is dangerous. I cannot see Historic Environment Scotland agreeing to this appeal on the basis of this elementary report, if they do then I believe the integrity of the whole listing system is flawed. "If the applicant was serious they would commission a much more comprehensive inspection from recognised specialist engineers report but that would likely cost a fair sum."

If successful Allied would be clear to demolish the remaining portions of the cinema just as full demolition of the fire-damaged ABC on Sauchiehall Street is about to get underway.  


#1 Posted by Callum on 10 Sep 2024 at 13:17 PM
It is very interesting that Allied Vehicles claim the building has been made unsafe because it doesn’t have a roof, when they were the ones who removed the roof and at any time could have replaced it. They should not be allowed to demolish when they are the culprits of the neglect.
devilish advocaat
#2 Posted by devilish advocaat on 10 Sep 2024 at 13:26 PM
Alan Dunlop's visual inspections must be more thorough than most.
Robin Banks
#3 Posted by Robin Banks on 11 Sep 2024 at 13:17 PM
Anyone willing to bet me if appeal fails ther will be a mystery fire to make sure the building is unsafe therefore has to be demolished ?
#4 Posted by Alice on 11 Sep 2024 at 13:43 PM
Such a shame to see this historic building heading to be totally destroyed because the ground is obviously wanted by someone
David Campbell
#5 Posted by David Campbell on 11 Sep 2024 at 16:56 PM
Call me cynical but I see a mysterious Sunday bank Holiday fire in the near future.

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