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Subsidence hit granite villa earmarked for a modern replacement

September 9 2024

Subsidence hit granite villa earmarked for a modern replacement

An unassuming granite home in Aberdeen has been earmarked for redevelopment to provide accessible accommodation for a couple in later life.

239 Midstocket Road terminates a row of four identical properties but has been identified as suffering from 'significant structural subsidence', prompting proposals for demolition and replacement.

Outlining the need for action the applicant wrote: "Underpinning was dismissed as a solution in this case due to the requirement of the whole substructure to be rectified, therefore the recommendation was for piling to be investigated.

"A piling company had been approached and it was further concluded that the costs and spatial limitations made this approach unfeasible and the focus should be on rebuilding the dwelling on foundations capable for a dwelling. This approach provides an opportunity to deal with other constraints with the dwelling, including fabric, insulation, room sizes and correlation."

Turning the corner into Woodhill Road Taylor Architecture has devised a new build design which adheres to the established building line while introducing a double driveway an ramped access on the front lawn. Occupying an expanded footprint to the rear the new home will take the opportunity to modernise the layout and insulation with greater headroom on the first floor.

Faced in granite coursing to match the style of the established neighbourhood reclaimed stonework will be reused for the garden walls of the new property. 

A significant rear extension will increase the building footprint
A significant rear extension will increase the building footprint
Ramp access and parking will be introduced on the front garden
Ramp access and parking will be introduced on the front garden

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