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New bridge redraws the map of Govan and Partick

September 6 2024

New bridge redraws the map of Govan and Partick

A £29.5m pedestrian bridge connecting Govan and Partick has been unveiled by Glasgow City Council.

Linking Water Row on the south bank with Pointhouse Quay to the north the project provides a walkable link to the Riverside Museum for communities south of the river.

Funded by both Scottish and UK governments the bridge has a moving span length of 99m, linked to a further 15.7m fixed span section at Water Row, making it one of the longest opening pedestrian/cycle bridges in Europe.

UK Government Minister for Scotland Kirsty McNeill said: "Re-establishing this historic connection between Govan and Partick will boost the economy, bond communities and support redevelopment."

The moving span weighs in at 650 tonnes and is capable of opening and closing in a matter of minutes. 

1 Comment

Hamish MacTavish
#1 Posted by Hamish MacTavish on 9 Sep 2024 at 13:49 PM
The bridge is officially called the Govan-Partick Bridge. However this name is incorrect, the Bridge lands on the east side of the River Kelvin, so it should be called the Govan-Yorkhill Bridge. It is a bridge between Yorkhill and Govan, it doesn't land in Partick.

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