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'Hydro Effect' spills over to SWG3 with hotel approval

September 4 2024

'Hydro Effect' spills over to SWG3 with hotel approval

A one-of-a-kind multi-purpose hotel has been given the nod by Glasgow City Council, ready to take a thriving cultural hub to new heights.

SWG3 and partners Stallan-Brand have won planning consent to build a distinctive 142-bed hotel at the corner of Eastvale Place and Sandyford Street. More than just a hotel the high-rise venue will incorporate restaurants, bars and a co-working space as well as a gym and rooftop terrace. Crucially a range of studio spaces will also be offered to bolster the city's arts scene.

Hotelier Bruce Robertson said: “In a hotel landscape dominated by international brands, it is a rare privilege to be able to develop a hotel product that is truly of its place. Our plan is to resolve a space which responds to its unique location, whilst resonating with the local community and delivering a range of benefits. A hotel by Glasgow; for Glasgow, if you like.”

Paul Stallan, Stallan-Brand creative director, added: “Whilst the SWG3 Hotel is strategically situated to support the immediate regeneration initiative, the hotel will also contribute to the ongoing success of Glasgow's 'Hydro Effect' which has seen the city become a global magnet for major music and conference events. As a 'hotel for music lovers', the SWG3 team are excited to expand their programme with a new leisure offer that will ensure they remain more visible, vital and circular.”

The project is being led by SWG3 founding partners Andrew Fleming-Brown and Andrew Mickel. 

A facade of light grey metal of varying tone, reflectance and perforation has been chosen with a lightweight screen doubling as signage serving as a crown
A facade of light grey metal of varying tone, reflectance and perforation has been chosen with a lightweight screen doubling as signage serving as a crown
The hotel turns the corner between Eastvale Place and Sandyford Street with a triple-height lobby, canteen and events space
The hotel turns the corner between Eastvale Place and Sandyford Street with a triple-height lobby, canteen and events space


#1 Posted by Ben on 4 Sep 2024 at 12:08 PM
Probably the best new build hotel proposal in Glasgow and the rest of Scotland in recent decades. Fantastic news, hope it gets underway soon!
#2 Posted by George on 4 Sep 2024 at 13:17 PM
Great news to hear of something other than student flats being built in Glasgow but am I missing something as I wouldnt say the design looks great?
#3 Posted by Chris on 4 Sep 2024 at 13:46 PM
#2 It has quite an industrial aesthetic that isn't going to appeal to everyone. But personally I think it looks cool.
showbiz Sam
#4 Posted by showbiz Sam on 4 Sep 2024 at 13:47 PM
A very painterly and atmospheric render though, so it is.
Fat Bloke on Tour
#5 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 4 Sep 2024 at 15:05 PM
Global magnet for music -- zombie stat.
Not quite the full picture is it.
Ask Taylor Swift and Oasis ...

Auld Reekie is playing the Murrayfield card to the max.
Glesga needs to up its game.
GCC -- erse into gear please.
More to life than bike lanes.

Container city design vibe -- edgy in the extreme.
SWG3 really are squeezing the cloth dry.
Good to see someone making the most of their opportunities.
SEC would appear to be in hibernation.
All that Hydro cash and little or no progress.

Next up -- MacLay halls rebuild?
The hotel is very overwhelming,
Nairn's Bairn
#6 Posted by Nairn's Bairn on 5 Sep 2024 at 10:05 AM
All very 'iconic' but that cantilevered upper section gives me the heebie-geebies. At least it doesn't have a glazed floor, which would make it a definite no-go area!
With Stallan-Brand involved I'm sure it will be nicely finished.
#7 Posted by Alex on 5 Sep 2024 at 14:10 PM
Fully agree #5, we need someone standing up for Glasgow which the current council administration have shown they are not capable of.
Global magnet for music is going to wane if we arent quick, Edinburgh now getting all the big concerts to Murrayfield and plans approved for a new entertainment venue on edge of Edinburgh.
Is this title going to go the same way as the title we used to have for being the second best shopping in UK outside London? Come on GCC and ScotGov, lets have some good news for Glasgow.
Big Delicious
#8 Posted by Big Delicious on 5 Sep 2024 at 15:52 PM
Don't like it personally. I like industrial but it's just a bit bland for me

Would be interested to see the metal panel finish in real life because varying shades of grey metal in reality vs a render is the big hurdle. Hopefully it's not just flat grey panels in a 'random' pattern
#9 Posted by Lovely on 6 Sep 2024 at 10:49 AM
Half good half bad.
please, keep the shortbread coming.
#10 Posted by please, keep the shortbread coming. on 6 Sep 2024 at 11:02 AM
This looks superb. If they can build this out as close to the concept with the layered facade and the inferred play of light I think this would be a welcome addition to this part of the city.
#8 - Visuals suggesting a lot of transparency so perhaps more likely to be a mesh or a polycarbonate.
D to the R
#11 Posted by D to the R on 6 Sep 2024 at 12:54 PM
@6 SB designed but they won't deliver this. Someone like Keppies will sort out the bits that don't work
#12 Posted by SydPol on 11 Sep 2024 at 23:59 PM
How long will it be before the residents of Cooperage
Place get an offer they can’t refuse and the whole of the side gets merged into one massive entertainment qtr….?

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