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Streetsmart refurbishment to reinvigorate Kilmarnock's Palace Theatre

August 29 2024

Streetsmart refurbishment to reinvigorate Kilmarnock's Palace Theatre

Initial proposals for the refurbishment of Kilmarnock's Palace Theatre and Grand Hall complex have been presented by East Ayrshire Council.

Artist impressions published by the local authority show how a modern arts and entertainment facility will be created within the A-listed landmark.

Key moves by Keppie Design include a new foyer extension, a refurbished interior and improved landscaping to better integrate the attraction with nearby arts organisations.

Planned changes centre on a street level front of house extension housing a new cafe, open all day long. Other improvements include new seating and refurbishment of the historic fabric including improvements to roof drainage, cleaning the stone facade and window repairs. Work will also take place behind the curtain to improve backstage equipment and a purpose-built fly tower will also be built alongside a new store and production workshop, sewing room and laundry.

If all goes well work could begin next year for completion by early 2027.

A back of house extension is also planned
A back of house extension is also planned
A revitalised building fabric spells out the changes
A revitalised building fabric spells out the changes

The entrance experience will be transformed by a new all weather foyer
The entrance experience will be transformed by a new all weather foyer
Work will also take place behind the scenes to improve spaces and facilities for performers
Work will also take place behind the scenes to improve spaces and facilities for performers


#1 Posted by Roddy_ on 29 Aug 2024 at 21:21 PM
Good news but the Theatre will never really meet its full potential unless it stops being an island. For that to happen the ring road needs to be downgraded to an avenue and Burns Mall needs to be disaggregated. So much of that part of Kilmarnock is choked off by the 70's 'comprehensive' development that befell the town. It is remarkable to look at the maps of the time before the mall to see the huge diversity of plots, the human scale and walkable streets and the general fine grain that contributed hugely to the townscape. There have been multiple development plans for the town, including one by Austin-Smith:Lord which I seem to recall recommended much of the above. If Glasgow is at the point where its malls are seen as both out-moded and no longer strategically viable, then surely it is only a matter of time before Killie bids farewell to them. See also Ayr Central Shopping Centre.
#2 Posted by Reality on 1 Sep 2024 at 16:37 PM
Shame it won’t happen
Rt Hon Michael Gave
#3 Posted by Rt Hon Michael Gave on 2 Sep 2024 at 13:29 PM
"The funding will be made available as a non-ringfenced RDEL payment made through Section 50 of UK Internal Markets Act."

Levelling Up Fund - Technical note - GOV.UK

Watch as this never happens, Labour will bin it.

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