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Consultations continue for Broomielaw student housing

August 27 2024

Consultations continue for Broomielaw student housing

Student housing specialist Valeo has launched a second round of consultation over its plan to erect a purpose-built block at Carrick Street, Glasgow.

Flow Design has drafted sketch proposals for 500 student beds on land around the Glasgow City Mission, which will be retained and form a key element of the new block.

Vacant warehouses and office space will be cleared to make way for the development, which will incorporate a ground-floor commercial unit and improved public realm - principally a new east-west link cut through the city block.

David Saunders, managing director of Valeo Management Europe, commented: “The Broomielaw and wider River Clyde Waterfront is undergoing significant transformation, and we hope that our plans will go somewhere to supporting this transition as well as providing much-needed student rooms in Glasgow. 

“We look forward to engaging with local residents and other interested parties over the coming months as we develop our exciting new plans for Carrick Street.” 

The consultation kicks off on 10 September between 15:00 and 19:00 at Box Hub in the Axiom Building at 50 Washington Street, G3 8AZ. 

The Glasgow City Mission will be retained and incorporated into the new development
The Glasgow City Mission will be retained and incorporated into the new development


Gordon B
#1 Posted by Gordon B on 27 Aug 2024 at 13:29 PM
Time to look at the detail of these applications. Every developer should be able to demonstrate clearly that the proposal is capable of being reutilised as everyday accommodation for ordinary folks in the event of not being required by students in the future. This means looking at the leasing model as well as the architectural structure.
Glasgow bob
#2 Posted by Glasgow bob on 27 Aug 2024 at 21:18 PM
#1 really, so you don't have the faintest on how the planning system nor the legal system works as any such overbearing legislation would be decades away.
A Local Pleb
#3 Posted by A Local Pleb on 28 Aug 2024 at 13:15 PM
It's a pity that the current GCC 10 year development plan appears to have little within it that identifies how the city centre will be repopulated! There appear to be few sites earmarked for housing (despite GCC having a preference for the re-use of brownfiled sites, the majority of the provision is to the periphery of the city's boundary (and they in some areas eat into parts of the greenbelt). With so many city centre sites in private ownership it being left to the whim of developers and they see the money to be made in student or PRS developments.
The current plan runs (I believe) until 2027 but the next edition will be in hand, so come on GCC what your plans and how will they challenge those who own empty / underused buildings or vacant plots?

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