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Corner bay sees a Hillhead apartment block raise its game

August 27 2024

Corner bay sees a Hillhead apartment block raise its game

Wemyss Properties have updated their proposals for a contentious Hillhead apartment block, addressing the junction of Creswell and Cranworth Street with a feature corner.

The latest design iteration is documented in a detailed planning application for the site of the former Hillhead Baptist Church, a B-listed landmark scheduled for demolition to make way for the build.

Responding to suggestions during earlier consultations that the site deserved a more ambitious design EMA has embraced the corner plot this time around with a projecting bay.

In a design statement, the applicant wrote: "The corner of the building is a re-interpretation of the typical corner bay which is seen on tenements within the West End of Glasgow and projects out to address the street edge. Key views are oriented towards the north and maximised by fully glazed facades, which are recessed to create an inset balcony."

Finished in buff dressed sandstone and a distinctive red zinc roof the development will house 32 apartments and includes a courtyard garden and roof terrace. 

Green space will be offered via a rooftop terrace and courtyard garden
Green space will be offered via a rooftop terrace and courtyard garden
The corner bay is modelled on the decorative turrets of nearby tenements
The corner bay is modelled on the decorative turrets of nearby tenements


#1 Posted by TheFakeArchitect on 27 Aug 2024 at 10:35 AM
Sorry, but that just looks like an extremely clumsy attempt at a corner detail. Absolutely no finesse and does quite the opposite of re-interpreting a typical tenement corner bay.
#2 Posted by Heidfirst on 27 Aug 2024 at 11:29 AM
I know that the existing building is blonde sandstone but I can't but help that this would be better to match the red sandstone on either side.
& as for that corner roof treatment ... :O
#3 Posted by Roddy_ on 27 Aug 2024 at 11:36 AM
Some pretty obvious lifts from Holmes Miller's Park Quadrant applied very clumsily.
#4 Posted by Mick on 27 Aug 2024 at 12:04 PM
Clunky and kind of, so what
#5 Posted by "El" on 27 Aug 2024 at 12:48 PM
Park circus rip-off?
#6 Posted by David on 27 Aug 2024 at 12:59 PM
Roddy you neat me to it. It's disappointing enough that we have to accept the demolition of the existing building, despite proposals for facade retention already having been produced over the years, but now we have such bland mediocrity.

It really is a 're-interpretation' of typical tenemental bay windows, and it really does 'address' the street edge. Just does both badly though that's the only problem.
James Hepburn
#7 Posted by James Hepburn on 27 Aug 2024 at 14:01 PM
Glasgow developers fail miserably to live up to their forebears.Its greatly disappointing to see GCC demolish yet another fine building. You wonder what their incentive was?
Big Chungus
#8 Posted by Big Chungus on 27 Aug 2024 at 15:37 PM
Under what premiss, other than the wilful neglect of an amazing piece of historic architecture, do they propose to demolish the existing church? Such short-sightedness should be a criminal offence. Stallan-Brand may have initially proposed little more than a façade retention, but it was well thought out and justified at least, and crucially went a long way to preserve the public's everyday appreciation of this simple urban gem.
Yanis Varoufakis
#9 Posted by Yanis Varoufakis on 27 Aug 2024 at 15:45 PM
Yes I think we can all agree the jagged corner is pretty depressing, it just clashes brings down the lovely tenement setting.

Also generally just too austere-looking, possibly more like something civic as opposed to a residential block!
Lets be better
#10 Posted by Lets be better on 28 Aug 2024 at 11:49 AM
Knowing the extreme pressures these days of clients wanting ‘more and more’, alongside planning authorities who provide little to no consistency with their views / advice; this proposal is a good example of how we can address a city block corner in a creative way while also fitting in with its surroundings.
Of course, there are elements which I don’t agree with (primarily the ground floor proportions of the new build against its neighbours) but nevertheless well done to all involved and don’t listen to these second rate commentors who always love to complain and provide no avenue for conversation.
#11 Posted by David on 28 Aug 2024 at 12:49 PM
I think tbh #10 that on top of the terrible decision to allow demolition of the existing building, us 'second rate commenters (sic)' are pretty well underwhelmed by what is really a poor piece of urban infill. Good example it is not.
#12 Posted by GMan on 29 Aug 2024 at 13:45 PM
I'm guessing the West End is no longer a Conservation area these days..

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