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Day of reckoning for soaring student skyscraper

August 19 2024

Day of reckoning for soaring student skyscraper

A towering student housing development at Charing Cross in Glasgow city centre will come to a head tomorrow when councillors meet to decide whether to rubberstamp a recommendation for approval by planners.

Watkin Jones Group has tabled plans to develop The Ard, a giant complex housing 784 student rooms alongside a new home for the Glasgow Social Enterprise Network, a charity supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Portcullis House on India Street has already been partially demolished to make way for the new structure, with much of the existing concrete frame incorporated into the latest build.

Iain Smith, planning director of Watkin Jones, commented: “The redevelopment of the site, regenerating a current brownfield location, will form a significant part of an overall renewal of the west end of the city centre, acting as a catalyst for change and enhancing the vitality of this part of the city.”

The 35-storey tower has been designed by Hawkins Brown Architects.

A local charity will set up shop in one of the ground floor commercial units
A local charity will set up shop in one of the ground floor commercial units
Part of the concrete frame of Portcullis House will be incorporated within the new development
Part of the concrete frame of Portcullis House will be incorporated within the new development


#1 Posted by Spike on 19 Aug 2024 at 11:43 AM
Really hope this gets approval, definitely the right design solution for this part of the city.
As the planners say it will add vitality to this area
town planner
#2 Posted by town planner on 19 Aug 2024 at 12:41 PM
#1 Yep totally agree, fingers crossed for this one.
#3 Posted by David on 19 Aug 2024 at 13:56 PM
No hope for this city if this gets knocked back.
#4 Posted by NotANimbyJustHateYoungPeople on 19 Aug 2024 at 15:54 PM
Hopefully we don't get another bit of idiocy like the M&S refusal decision tomorrow
Big Delicious
#5 Posted by Big Delicious on 19 Aug 2024 at 16:18 PM
I like it!

I hope the renders transition to real life well. The high level amenity spaces with all the greenery always looks cool in images, but often gets completely pumped by reality
#6 Posted by UR on 20 Aug 2024 at 11:23 AM
Councillors have now voted 10-2 to approve the scheme.
#7 Posted by UR on 20 Aug 2024 at 11:33 AM
A spokesperson for Watkin Jones said: "“Regenerating a current brownfield site, the development will be designed to the highest environmental standards, boasting the latest low and zero carbon technologies. The Ard will contribute immensely to the greening of the city, providing high-quality publicly accessible open spaces, with biodiversity enhanced through creating new habitats on a site that currently has a low habitat value.

“This will be delivered through increased planting and new landscaped areas, with public realm increased by 75 per cent across the site.

“Redevelopment of the site will form a significant part of an overall renewal of the west end of the city centre, acting as a catalyst for change and enhancing the vitality of this part of the city."
town planner
#8 Posted by town planner on 20 Aug 2024 at 16:03 PM
Thanks for the update UR, good to hear!

Agree with #5, really hope any value engineering is minimal. If we are to build taller buildings then it's obvious to state that in terms of design/materials they need to look as good as possible, not least because they can be seen from many more vantage points!

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