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North Toryglen TRA takes shape with approval for another tranche of homes

August 20 2024

North Toryglen TRA takes shape with approval for another tranche of homes

Cruden Homes has won planning consent to build 56 homes as part of the Toryglen Transformational Regeneration Area (TRA) in Glasgow, subject to a survey for contaminants such as mine gas.

Rising on land east of Prospecthill Road the development will be accessible off a single spine road fronted by semi-detached homes, with perpendicular terraced housing fanning out to the northwest to exploit solar energy. Design proposals by Hypostyle Architects ensure end terrace properties provide passive surveillance.

In a design statement, the practice wrote: “The proposed houses adopt the architectural language and materials used elsewhere within the previous phases of development at Toryglen within the TRA to create a unified character and to reinforce a tenure blind approach to development.

“All housing will be two storeys in height with dual-pitched roofs. Primary elevational materials will be a combination of facing brick and render. The roofs will have dark grey concrete tiles to match previous phases.”

Phase 4 of the overall masterplan is the last site to be developed with frontage to Prospecthill Road following the demolition of 1960s-era properties.

1 Comment

James Hepburn
#1 Posted by James Hepburn on 20 Aug 2024 at 15:00 PM
They just look so dull. No imagination at all.

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