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Cathcart apartments earn the blessing of planners

August 21 2024

Cathcart apartments earn the blessing of planners

CALA Homes and 7N Architects have secured planning consent for 254 apartments, including main door flats and townhouses for a development density of 110 dph.

Approval was granted subject to 26 conditions ranging from adherence to the approved brick and metal cladding to a minimum depth of topsoil in landscaped areas, including removal of builders rubble. The industrial history of the site will require investigations and remediation of soil prior to any work commencing.

In a planning update the applicant wrote: “Following submission of the original planning application in April 2023, extensive discussions have taken place with Glasgow City Council to refine the proposals at Inverlair Avenue and address feedback from the council.

“Alongside changes to the buildings, a detailed development of the site layout have been carried out to enhance the landscape setting of the building, prioritise pedestrian connections and to control vehicle movements. This has included the removal of external refuse stores in favour of internal stores which maximise the space for amenity in-line with GCC guidance to the team.”

The development has been made possible by a consolidation of operations by site owner Celeros, a manufacturer of pump equipment.

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