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Renfrew Bridge stretches its wings

August 15 2024

Renfrew Bridge stretches its wings

The Renfrew Bridge has assumed its final form with a trial link-up of the twin leaf design showing its full length for the first time.

Contractor Graham carried out the test as part of ongoing commissioning works ahead of the formal opening in late autumn, providing a direct link to Clydebank and Yoker for the first time.

Jim Armour, Graham project director, said: “It was great to see the bridge closing for the first time in such a smooth, controlled, and seamless operation. The next stage of the project is to conduct commissioning which includes reliability and operational testing, with a number of opening and closing procedures to ensure the whole structure is working safely and efficiently.”


Upon completion, active travel and road links will connect Yoker station with Renfrew town centre.

Photography by Drone Scotland
Photography by Drone Scotland
The public will have their chance to cross the bridge from late autumn
The public will have their chance to cross the bridge from late autumn


showbiz sam
#1 Posted by showbiz sam on 15 Aug 2024 at 21:02 PM
I like the tapered box columns.
More interesting than all that done to death wonky bridge and Calatrava stuff.
Its chunkiness reminds me of one of Van Gogh's paintings of The Langlois Bridge, Arles.
It has an honest aesthetic to it and sits well in the landscape.
Others of course, will differ!
#2 Posted by Spike on 16 Aug 2024 at 09:21 AM
A great boost for the Clydebank and Renfrew communities
Sir Ano
#3 Posted by Sir Ano on 16 Aug 2024 at 09:52 AM
Is it just me but its really annoying that the platforms for the bridge break the line of the river. surely theses could've been pushed back a bit, he says knowing nothing about bridge design.????
#4 Posted by Heidfirst on 16 Aug 2024 at 12:55 PM
#3 I am sure that it could have been done but would have added to the cost ...

Btw, Clydebank didn't want this. It is very much Renfrew pushed for it, largely because they wanted to remove traffic transiting to through Renfrew town centre from Clyde tunnel/M8 to Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Area & airport etc. That traffic won't vanish but a large chunk will displace & now run through Clydebank or along Dumbarton Rd.
#5 Posted by Chris on 17 Aug 2024 at 08:08 AM
#5 The problem is that the current Clyde tunnel traffic at rush hour completely hamstrings the motorway. I’ve seen it go all the way up to the Braehead junction. So this bridge will relieve some of that pressure.
#6 Posted by Heidfirst on 18 Aug 2024 at 10:24 AM
#5 but that pressure will now be relieved through routes that go through largely residential areas on the north of the Clyde & that are themselves struggling at peak times currently. The traffic projections done for this in 2017 highlighted the continuing need for a North Clyde Development Route (long planned, not built) & I think that we can argue that those projections are out of date as with bus services worsening & prices going up more people are using cars rather than fewer. & Glasgow CC's Livable Neighbourhoods is likely to reduce vehicle capacity on Dumbarton Rd ...

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