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Revamped Elgin Town Hall to anchor a planned cultural quarter

August 9 2024

Revamped Elgin Town Hall to anchor a planned cultural quarter

Moray Council and LDN Architects have shared initial concepts for the redevelopment of the B-listed 1960s Elgin Town Hall as a cultural hub.

LDN was appointed last year to lead design work on delivering an improved auditorium alongside a new second performance space and rehearsal rooms.

The Brutalist landmark will also be opened up with a new bar and foyer extension, placing the building at the heart of a planned £31m cultural quarter in the town.

Stuart MacKellar, partner at LDN Architects, commented: “As a local practice with many of our personnel closely linked to Elgin, we know what a facility like Elgin Town Hall means to the local community. In close collaboration with Moray Council, Elgin Town Hall for the Community and building users, we have developed a set of proposals that we believe will release the potential of the site and leave a lasting legacy for the region.”

A planning application is expected shortly with work commencing as early as May next year for completion in 2027.  

1 Comment

#1 Posted by Ian on 18 Aug 2024 at 17:38 PM
One day this will be viewed as one of the finest example from 1960s architecture.
Remember Maybury Casino was v close to demo!!!

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