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Accessible homes promote independent living in Dundee

August 7 2024

Accessible homes promote independent living in Dundee

An innovative development of 66 accessible homes is nearing completion in Dundee, with Campion Homes handing over the first 30 properties.

The contractor is working with Lewis & Hickey Architects on behalf of Blackwood Homes and Care, Beild Housing and Care and Hillcrest Housing Association for the mixed-tenure build.

Phase one comprises a mix of flats and houses of up to eight bedrooms with the remaining 36 properties due to be completed over the coming three months.

Dougie Herd, joint managing director at Campion Homes, said: “Each home in this development has been specifically designed to be fully accessible, adaptable and to include a range of benefits to help people live independent lives. The properties have a range of additional benefits, including solar panels, rise and fall worktops and kitchen cupboards and Blackwood’s digital technology to assist independent living.

“The digital technology can be personalised and links users to care and health services, home automation local information, entertainment and video access to family and friends.”

Located in the suburb of Charleston the £17.5m development sees the timber frame homes spread across nine separate sites. 

Timber frame homes are built around precast concrete stairwells
Timber frame homes are built around precast concrete stairwells
Two of nine sites are now complete, delivering 30 homes
Two of nine sites are now complete, delivering 30 homes


#1 Posted by "El" on 7 Aug 2024 at 14:38 PM
Value engineering the winner on this one.
The final build is a shadow of the original design, almost a Temu meme.
#2 Posted by Al on 7 Aug 2024 at 22:30 PM
Lovely big doors, but opening up on to a car park. Nice.
#3 Posted by Mark on 10 Aug 2024 at 20:41 PM
I would be fascinated to learn how they managed to fund the development given an average price of £265k per unit (£17.5mn/ 66 units). Surely the HAG grants don't stretch that far…?

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