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Giffnock eyesore to make way for a bespoke family home

July 31 2024

Giffnock eyesore to make way for a bespoke family home

Time has been called on a disused commercial building at Burnfield Road, Giffnock, under plans to replace it with a detached dwelling.

Hoko Design is to develop the 284sq/m triangular site in an affluent suburb of large family homes with a modern four-bed property of render, blackened timber and black zinc arranged over three levels, including a basement master bedroom.

A matching boundary wall will be built fronting the road for privacy.

Outlining their proposals Hoko wrote: "The proposal aims to rectify the disconnected ground floor plan and introduce a better relationship with the garden whilst maximising natural light throughout. Introducing a generous social space is paramount for family living, whilst consolidating the living spaces to a dedicated wing of the home prevents these spaces being lost to circulation. Locating the social spaces towards the western boundary provides privacy from the main road and surrounding properties."

The open-plan ground-floor living space will take full advantage of south-facing garden views with floor-to-ceiling windows.  

A matching boundary wall will screen the property from the busy road
A matching boundary wall will screen the property from the busy road
Floor to ceiling windows will maximise light and views to the main living space
Floor to ceiling windows will maximise light and views to the main living space


#1 Posted by nope on 31 Jul 2024 at 11:38 AM
Very poor design, from the practically windowless bedrooms to the non-functional driveway/parking provision.
#2 Posted by Lovely on 31 Jul 2024 at 12:15 PM
Apparently BAE systems might be thinking of putting in an early offer on this.
#3 Posted by Pants on 31 Jul 2024 at 14:23 PM
Shirley a shoe in for shoty??
I am not an Architect
#4 Posted by I am not an Architect on 31 Jul 2024 at 14:28 PM
I can't wait to see Danny give this a 10 on SHOTY
#5 Posted by shoko on 31 Jul 2024 at 19:35 PM
#6 Posted by Hmm on 1 Aug 2024 at 08:38 AM
All joking aside, this project looks to create a set of very tricky problems in compliance (none of which that appear to actually be of any benefit whatsoever to the internal living environment/occupants) that would likely require either significant revision or heavy compensatory measures to work. Very strange. Those 1st Floor bedrooms would be oppreeeeeessive, and the accessible route from the in-curtilage parking doesn't appear to work. The house also appears to have virtually zero storage - all elements that are implemented to create what benefit exactly?
showbiz sam
#7 Posted by showbiz sam on 1 Aug 2024 at 11:04 AM
All else aside, Freud would definitely enjoy illuminating the choice of the screen divider. It speaks volumes about the designers.
Carol Kennedy
#8 Posted by Carol Kennedy on 1 Aug 2024 at 17:26 PM
Very ugly building but what bothers me is that the designer seems to have stolen the existing pavement. Photograph shows the boundary wall right up to the roadway.
Sir Ano
#9 Posted by Sir Ano on 2 Aug 2024 at 09:22 AM
What a bizarre project. There must be something driving this that we're not aware of, it just doesn't make sense.
#10 Posted by AT on 2 Aug 2024 at 13:59 PM
What bothers me the most is this will not receive a positive planning conscent due to the vehicular access on a busy road 'curve' and the 'designer's have not taken this into account....Its really poor advise for the client who will ultimately end up wasting money on Architects fees. Don't get me started oon the actual house design!!! very poor..

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