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Hundreds of homes to unleash untapped Yorkhill dockland potential

July 30 2024

Hundreds of homes to unleash untapped Yorkhill dockland potential

Peel Waters has obtained planning consent to proceed with a 1,100 home 'waterside neighbourhood' at Yorkhill Quay, Glasgow, next to the Transport Museum.

First mooted in 2021 the ambitious plan includes a 200-bed riverfront hotel, 2,500sq/m of leisure facilities and public space woven into hundreds of homes for sale, rent and co-living.

Centrepiece of the broader Glasgow Waters development, a bid to regenerate 100 acres of former dockland between the West End and city centre, the enormous development is conceived as a sequence of 'river rooms' offering open aspects of the River Clyde from south-facing terraces.

Brian Lavalette, property director at Peel Waters, said: “Glasgow Waters is one of the largest and most exciting regeneration projects in Scotland and Yorkhill Quay will be a major, landmark development within it, delivering much-needed new homes, improved connectivity and infrastructure whilst creating a pipeline of new jobs for our community."

Conditions of the approval state that Peel must commence the phased development within a five year window. The project team includes Keppie Design and landscape architect Oobe.  

A moribund tract of land between the Transport Museum and the Scottish Event Campus will be brought back into play
A moribund tract of land between the Transport Museum and the Scottish Event Campus will be brought back into play
The waterfront will be opened up with a commerce-lined amenity space
The waterfront will be opened up with a commerce-lined amenity space


D to the R
#1 Posted by D to the R on 31 Jul 2024 at 12:55 PM
Here we go ... None of your nimby here. About time Glasgow City approved something with a bit of vision rather than entertain member’s pathetic suggestions that it might flood?!? Eh? We’ll just leave our riverside as it is then … smoke them out – they’re doing nothing for Glasgow’s development community !
#2 Posted by Lovely on 31 Jul 2024 at 16:15 PM
Agree that it should be allowed to be developed but why must it look like a new and cheaply developed mid range provincial hub somewhere on the Eurasian Steppe?
Fresh Prince of Bel End
#3 Posted by Fresh Prince of Bel End on 31 Jul 2024 at 17:21 PM
Iconic, a truly masterpiece addition to Grimsby skyline. Oh, wait...
#4 Posted by Roddy_ on 31 Jul 2024 at 22:46 PM
Presumably this is still PPiP (I hope!) but what an odd grouping of dumpy, stunted shoe boxes-on-end. In a similar vein to #2 -that first image reminds me of the time I went to East Berlin prior to the Wall coming down. Uncanny.
#5 Posted by Heidfirst on 1 Aug 2024 at 10:53 AM
#6 Posted by Speakeasy on 2 Aug 2024 at 10:47 AM
It’s great to see an unused former brownfield site being developed and reimagined as a residential area. Where is the creativity in its design? This sort of stuff was being built in the 60s-70s and pulled down again in the 10s, lack of vision and scope. So long as the clydeside express way segregates the Clyde from its communities, any development here will be isolated from the community.
Pat Lally
#7 Posted by Pat Lally on 2 Aug 2024 at 14:03 PM
No amount of Float Digital post production is going to jazz that proposal up.
#8 Posted by Mark on 3 Aug 2024 at 22:16 PM
Handsome swans, shame about the backdrop.
Fat Bloke on Tour
#9 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 5 Aug 2024 at 18:46 PM
Sub standard / poor quality Dalmarnock level stodge.
Long term -- the BTL market will probably save them.
No lessons learned from Glasgow Harbour.
Plus no KGB demand to spy on Govan.

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