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Former Aberdeen arena site to welcome 333 new homes

July 30 2024

Former Aberdeen arena site to welcome 333 new homes

The former Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC), which closed in 2019 and was demolished a year later, is to become a new residential area of 333 homes following its relocation to Dyce.

Silverburn Park by Persimmon with Halliday Fraser Munro (HFM) will see hundreds of new homes built alongside Royal Aberdeen Golf Club on what is now the largest brownfield site in the city while retaining established tree belts.

Key moves include exposing the culverted Silver Burn and retaining a green belt along the site's southern perimeter. New homes will be built to a density of 43 units per hectare.

Fragmentation of ownership since planning permission in principle was awarded has necessitated moving the main entrance east along Parkway to skirt part of the old conference centre, which has been taken over by a church. In a statement, HFM wrote: "The retention of the ex-AECC building as a church introduces new design and layout challenges, to what was proposed within the development framework, which a building of this height creates. This has influenced the proposed layout."

Screening measures are proposed to mitigate against a household recycling centre planned for the site's northern boundary. 

A 'corner turner' housetype on the south western boundary
A 'corner turner' housetype on the south western boundary
A mix of detached, terraced homes and bungalows are proposed
A mix of detached, terraced homes and bungalows are proposed


The Heart of Saturday Night
#1 Posted by The Heart of Saturday Night on 30 Jul 2024 at 11:05 AM
Persimmon are basically criminals at this stage, aren't they? This is horrific.
#2 Posted by TheFakeArchitect on 30 Jul 2024 at 12:02 PM
Persimmon Homes with HFM at the helm, a match made in heaven for the site I'm sure..
#3 Posted by Gideon on 30 Jul 2024 at 14:24 PM
I dont understand how there are enough people to go to the AECC as a church? Its sad, because meanwhile there are so many small rural village churches being shut or having to go on reduced congregations. We will lose those buildings forever when they inevitably get sold off.
#4 Posted by Bemused_Citizen on 31 Jul 2024 at 07:55 AM
Perhaps Persimmon is taking a leaf out of the 'Project 2025' playbook and is seeking to create a new Christian state. 333 homes equate to approx. 666 (ooft) adult Christians, and potentially another 1000 children's souls to save. The numbers add up to being quite a large flock congregating at the ex-AECC every Sunday ... I imagine there will be quite a large car park required!

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