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Remodelled Stonehaven Leisure Centre opens its doors

July 29 2024

Remodelled Stonehaven Leisure Centre opens its doors

Aberdeenshire Council has thrown open the doors to a revitalised Stonehaven Leisure Centre following a £1.4m extension and refurbishment.

Led by the council's infrastructure services department the work introduces a range of new facilities including a fitness suite and upgraded sports hall.

Avril Nicol, head of service of Aberdeenshire Council’s Communities Wellbeing & Partnership, said: "It’s heartening to witness Stonehaven Leisure Centre transformed into such a modern and inclusive facility. The new amenities and upgraded spaces will cater to all fitness levels and interests, establishing it as a hub for both personal health and community activities."

Exterior works include a new entrance faced in anthracite grey trespa panels and dark grey brickwork.

The refurbished indoor pool, clad in chequerboard grey, is scheduled to open on 19 August. 

The floor of the sports hall has been sanded and resealed
The floor of the sports hall has been sanded and resealed
The gym has been kitted out with new fitness equipment
The gym has been kitted out with new fitness equipment

1 Comment

#1 Posted by Lovely on 3 Aug 2024 at 09:27 AM
It's always nice to see investment into community facilities.

However, from an entry way design perspective what is the oppressively deep and pointless heavy resin panel all about?

Also interior spin class interior shot looks like a computer game, preparations for entry into the matrix perhaps?

At least the basketball court looks pretty decently normal.

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