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Character building Perth project to reinvigorate Canal Street

July 25 2024

Character building Perth project to reinvigorate Canal Street

The historic character of Perth city centre will be given a lift under proposals to reinstate a historic garage on Canal Street as part of a residential development.

Dating from the early 1900s the well-built stone building, hidden behind an unsympathetic leisure development, will be placed to the fore once more, with the latter removed to open up the site.

Currently, unused Design Technical Architecture propose to introduce apartments while building a small mews-style addition alongside and reinstating a landscaped courtyard with feature railings.

Outlining how the open-plan nature of the current building lends itself to refurbishment a planning statement notes: "The applicant was approached by Perth & Kinross Council, as owner of the original building, and asked to consider options to breathe new life into this historically important building.

"Despite being of a particularly sturdy construction, internally the building is falling into a state of disrepair given that it is unused and has not been regularly maintained. With a new lease of life brought into the building, there will be a chance for the internal to reflect the sturdiness of the external skin."

In this way, it is hoped to safeguard the future of an at-risk building of historic importance.  

Removal of a utilitarian infill structure will restore the early garage to prominence
Removal of a utilitarian infill structure will restore the early garage to prominence

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