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Corrugated aluminium home to domesticate the harsh environment of Tiree

July 25 2024

Corrugated aluminium home to domesticate the harsh environment of Tiree

An exposed site on the Isle of Tiree with open views to of the sea has been chosen for a bespoke private residence and outbuilding linked by a central lobby.

Situated on the coast between Baugh and Heanish the three-bedroom beachfront property will be split between a living and bedroom wing with a separate sauna and garage off to one side.

Plans submitted by Mary Arnold-Forster Architects (MAFA) show the 160sq/m building communicates its main entrance with a bold red central space with submissive accommodation arranged on either side.

In a design statement, MAFA wrote: "The form is taken from the distinctive local domestic vernacular form and arrangement, while the red massing (the northern wing) of the house mirrors the footprint and proportions of the historic ‘red shed’ on the neighbouring land. The U-shaped courtyard also provides likeness to the clusters of agricultural barn patterns."

Framing a sheltered courtyard and oriented to maximise views across Port a’Mhuilinn the timber kit home echoes traditional domestic architecture on the island with a single-storey pitched form sheathed in corrugated aluminium.


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 25 Jul 2024 at 12:24 PM
Blot on the landscape vibe turned up to 11.
Attention seeker designing for an attention seeker.
Social work should be called not planning.
#2 Posted by Philip on 25 Jul 2024 at 14:21 PM
And a therapist for you #1
Time to start the treatment and rid yourself of so much indiscriminate hate and negativity. It must be tiring for you. Certainly is for us reading...

MAFA produce some beautifully detailed and highly appropriate and contextual work. Doubt this will be any different.

The Attention Seeker would be an ideal re-brand for FBOT...
#3 Posted by David on 2 Aug 2024 at 10:19 AM
Well said Philip. This is a great looking wee project which is just the type of new development we need to promote in remote areas like this.

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