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£54m Falkirk road improvement project gets underway

July 24 2024

£54m Falkirk road improvement project gets underway

£54m worth of roadworks will take place in Falkirk this summer with a start on site for the A9/A904 Westfield project.

Delivered by Balfour Beatty and WSP the infrastructure works will begin ground stabilisation and traffic management before moving on to construct a new roundabout at Westmains Industrial estate from 2026.

Scheduled to complete in 2027 the phased works will see the existing A904 reduced to one lane in each direction while it is threaded into a new section of carriageway, allowing the current road to be upgraded.

Cllr Cecil Meiklejohn, leader of Falkirk Council, said: "By improving our roads and making them safer and more efficient, we are laying the groundwork for future growth and development."  

The tax incremental finance scheme is being partly funded by the UK Government to improve traffic flow between Falkirk Stadium, the Kelpies and Forth Valley College.


Ross Mitchell
#1 Posted by Ross Mitchell on 25 Jul 2024 at 09:08 AM
Surely they are improving pedestrian access too?
It's horrible to access for pedestrians
Fat Bloke on Tour
#2 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 25 Jul 2024 at 12:33 PM
An awful lot of money for not a lot of road.

Traffic management costs vs the cost of the new infrastructure -- money would seem to be in cone rental not tarmac.
#3 Posted by Andy on 25 Jul 2024 at 15:28 PM
Surely there’s a flyover or underpass for crossing the road
Ross Mitchell
#4 Posted by Ross Mitchell on 26 Jul 2024 at 10:58 AM
more info here:
really poor from an active travel perspective
pedestrian access from Falkirk to stadium is via a 3 phase crossing!
Such outdated thinking, with all this talk of traffic efficiency.

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