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Fire-risk Aberdeen flats to serve as a template for cladding replacement

July 24 2024

Fire-risk Aberdeen flats to serve as a template for cladding replacement

A high-rise apartment block in Aberdeen has become the first in Scotland to have its fire-risk cladding stripped and replaced in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy.

Aurora Apartments at 172 Polmuir Road was completed around 2008 but was found to make use of highly flammable cladding following a review of similar buildings at the time of the 2017 disaster.

Designated a high priority in the Scottish Government's pilot programme on cladding remediation the nine-storey building has seen replacement wall cladding and insulation installed for £600k - all while the 22 flats remained in occupation.

Phil Diamond, managing director of Diamond & Company, said: “It was an extremely challenging project which involved opening up the building and removing the timber support frame and other combustible materials.

“We used a drone with laser scanning to survey the building, and surrounding area, to help us produce detailed architectural drawings to plan the work required to make the block of flats safer."

The original developer, Deveron Homes, ceased trading in 2018. 

Flammable decking has been replaced by aluminium alternatives
Flammable decking has been replaced by aluminium alternatives
Non-combustible cladding ensures any fires will be contained to individual flats
Non-combustible cladding ensures any fires will be contained to individual flats


Hairy Hipster
#1 Posted by Hairy Hipster on 25 Jul 2024 at 11:49 AM
Did Homer Simpson design that building?
#2 Posted by Chris on 26 Jul 2024 at 13:17 PM
There was an opportunity here to replace the cladding with something less naff and they doubled down.
#3 Posted by Lovely on 26 Jul 2024 at 14:24 PM
Agree with the above and also why didn't they just use the architect's CAD drawings from 2008 rather than scanning the building with drones?
Yanis Varoufakis
#4 Posted by Yanis Varoufakis on 29 Jul 2024 at 08:44 AM
#1 Savage, Homer Simpson would definitely do a better job of it! :')

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