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High-profile Glasgow hotel reimagined as student flats

July 19 2024

High-profile Glasgow hotel reimagined as student flats

A major high-rise development could yet redefine the Garnethill district of Glasgow city centre with the replacement of an initial hotel plan for student flats.

Haus Architects have repackaged their initial application for the change of use, promising to maintain the design standards present in the approved hotel with only internal modifications planned.

In an updated design statement the architects wrote: "The proposal meets the street edge and corner, responding to Glasgow’s gridded urban rhythm. The former Dunnes store retail frontage at ground level is addressed by extending the datum along the proposal on Cambridge Street, ensuring street level and human scale is considered within the design."

Once again pairing a matt and textured stone finish in the form of a primary frame and infill panels the design approach emphasises structural flexibility with the potential to adapt the tower for alternative use post-construction such as a hotel or mainstream apartments.

Incorporating 192 beds over 17 floors in its initial configuration the tower will meet the street over ground and mezzanine levels hosting student amenities; including a cycle workshop and cinema.  


#1 Posted by Chris on 19 Jul 2024 at 16:26 PM
I don't understand why they thought the best way to respond to a street defined by oppressive gray brutalism from the 60s/70s was try and to copy it.
Neil Paterson
#2 Posted by Neil Paterson on 22 Jul 2024 at 10:33 AM
Couldn't agree more with #1.

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