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Troon Station rises from the ashes

July 18 2024

Troon Station rises from the ashes

A fire-hit B-listed station has been rebuilt by Network Rail, mimicking the aesthetics of the original 1892 station building while updating its facilities.

Working with IDP Architects the station operator has invested £5m to rebuild Troon Station after it was destroyed in a 2021 blaze.

Works included replacing seven destroyed canopies as well as a new ticket hall, waiting area and facilities in a redesigned interior.

Ross Moran, Network Rail Scotland route director, commented: “The new station provides improved facilities for customers while also capturing the historic character of the original building."

Proposals to erect a bold contemporary station building or deliver a replica of the original were rejected following consultations. 

The interior layout has been reconfigured to improve facilities
The interior layout has been reconfigured to improve facilities
The rebuild accommodates improved facilities and access for the disabled
The rebuild accommodates improved facilities and access for the disabled


juan de los angeles
#1 Posted by juan de los angeles on 18 Jul 2024 at 15:34 PM
Nice to see a fairly faithful reinstatement and not a could be anywhere utilitarian shed, or a 'bold contemporary building' which usually means wacky or trendy or an eyesore, or all those adjectives. Well done.
#2 Posted by Rich on 19 Jul 2024 at 20:42 PM
Hope they fitted sprinklers!
Carol Smilie
#3 Posted by Carol Smilie on 22 Jul 2024 at 08:27 AM
How does the changing places sign work on that door?

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