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Aparthotel to cap off an unfinished Edinburgh tenement run

July 18 2024

Aparthotel to cap off an unfinished Edinburgh tenement run

An unfinished tenement run at 3 Piershill Terrace, Edinburgh, is to be capped off by a 22-room aparthotel under plans filed by Block Nine Architects.

SDR Property has acquired an existing garage to replace it with a six-storey brick building deferring to its C-listed neighbour, filling out a piece of the city that has remained unfinished since tenement construction ceased in the 1910s.

Explaining how this is achieved, the architects wrote: "... the aim was to recreate the bay window rhythm and symmetry. Although the site is not as wide as the existing tenements, the objective was to maintain the urban grain and to integrate it with the scale, mass and form of the surrounding tenements.

"By replicating the rhythm of the neighbouring tenement block we looked to maintain the pattern of the window arrangement and retain the conformity of the one larger window, then two smaller windows, then one larger window again."

In addition to following the established window arrangement, the infill design incorporates a secondary grid of extruded brickwork, alternating offset windows and decorative ribbed and textured brickwork for variety.

Ongoing urbanisation has seen plans drop for a further apartment project on nearby Baronscourt Road.  


town planner
#1 Posted by town planner on 18 Jul 2024 at 22:57 PM
The brick looks good in this context just as it does elsewhere in Edinburgh next to old tenements (see Upper Grove Place). Hopefully developers do more of this.

Six stories positive for density too, although may be a little squashed given adjacent building with same height appears to be only four!
devilish advocaat
#2 Posted by devilish advocaat on 19 Jul 2024 at 09:58 AM
#1 - They look to have been quite clever with the level of the ground floor relative to the adjacent tenement to fit 5 into 4, and then the top floor steps back with the pitched roof.

Looks a nice scheme, hopefully the built version is as good...
#3 Posted by KLD on 19 Jul 2024 at 10:00 AM
Looks great. Just a shame we have lost the ability to built bay windows!
House Mouse
#4 Posted by House Mouse on 19 Jul 2024 at 10:00 AM
There is a housing crisis in Edinburgh. Why, why, why, would anyone considering allowing a hotel in a residential suburb? There are no amenities or facilities anywhere near here that would make a hotel a sensible proposal. It's 45 minutes from the city centre by foot. It's 30 minutes from Portobello High Street. There is not a single hotel that isn't an AirBnB or small guest house with at least a mile. This is a residential street, in a residential neighbourhood. The "rhythm of the neighbourhood" that Block 9 refer to is not enhanced with a hotel. Picking up the language of all the surrounding tenenments may be best replicated by... and this is going to sound crazy... but by another tenement that people can put roots down in.

This is just another example of pure greed and a worrying development in the commercialisation of Edinburgh's residential spaces. There is no space left free in the centre where this type of proposal should be, and instead of either addressing the constant increase in demand by setting caps, or improving density, we are seeing the edges overflow and leak outwards. This area is entirely unsuitable for this type of proposal, and it's only appeal to the developer is that there is a naturally built density that they can exploit for profit. Shame on you Block 9 for perpetuating this.
#5 Posted by Jimmy on 19 Jul 2024 at 13:16 PM
I know the area well, and tourists do use it for accommodation. If this is the route to free tenements of Airbnb coming face to face, and disrupting the lives of ordinary people within the residential stairs, then I’m grudgingly supportive
Forbidden Alley
#6 Posted by Forbidden Alley on 19 Jul 2024 at 21:03 PM
Watch this space I'd put any money on it that if this proposal is given the go ahead there will be a subsequent application to turn it into student accommodation. You only gotta look at the site of the former Radical Road Pub along the road from here
#7 Posted by Lovely on 20 Jul 2024 at 15:18 PM
The design looks relatively decent and there will be huge demand for anodyne faceless serviced apartments once every last Airbnb in Edinburgh has been crushed out of existence including the original core business which was people sharing their own homes. Serviced apartments somehow exempt from the new extremely confusing, badly applied and insanely strict STL planning and licensing rules.
#8 Posted by Jimmy on 22 Jul 2024 at 23:09 PM
#7, my heart bleeds for the operators of STLs being unable to make an easy buck from our housing stock any longer. The real tragedy is that they were allowed to operate and hollow out so much of the city already. Please, let’s have more serviced apartments, hotels, hostels and keep the holiday makers together and allow residents none less thing to worry about whilst they struggle to pay their inflated mortgages due to the number of already converted homes lost in the capital. Edinburgh has chosen to allow tourists to wag the dog, but residents must still have a place in the city or it’ll fall apart at the seams.
#9 Posted by William on 27 Aug 2024 at 13:54 PM
There's not enough parking for house owners another 22 parking spaces plus staff ridiculously development

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