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Additional lab space to underpin marine science in Oban

July 17 2024

Additional lab space to underpin marine science in Oban

Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE) has given the go-ahead to a second phase of its European Marine Science Park near Oban.

The regional development agency has earmarked £8.1m for Camas House, an office and laboratory facility in Dunstaffnage. TSL Contractors will move on-site within a matter of weeks to deliver the building, which has been designed by Oberlanders Architects to be carbon neutral.

Morag Goodfellow, HIE’s area manager for Argyll and the Islands, said: “Argyll’s rich marine resource has underpinned significant economic activity for generations. We’ve been developing the EMSP as a centre of collaboration in marine innovation and technology that taps into this natural advantage and stimulates growth in the marine science economy..."

Built from textured fibre cement panels and engineering brick the facility purposefully omits wood cladding as used on the earlier Malin House due to the increased maintenance costs of replacing defective timbers, attributed to the exposed seafront environment.

Ground and infrastructure works are already in place with completion anticipated before the end of 2025.  

Fibre cement panels bring colour to the largely grey environment
Fibre cement panels bring colour to the largely grey environment
The 1,500sq/m facility will host 11 laboratories
The 1,500sq/m facility will host 11 laboratories

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