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Multipurpose Gartcosh Community Hub secures planning consent

July 10 2024

Multipurpose Gartcosh Community Hub secures planning consent

A novel community hub in Gartcosh has been granted consent by North Lanarkshire Council, ushering in an innovative shared resource that will combine the existing primary school and community hall.

The new facility has been designed by BDP to facilitate further expansion of the commuter village, more than doubling capacity at the school from 188 to 434 places.

Built on the site of the existing Gartcosh Primary the new building will include Additional Support Needs provision as well as a nursery, language centre and community facilities, all accessible from a double-height atrium.

Lindsey Mitchell, architect director at BDP, said: "The goal of this project is to foster a sense of community by creating shared spaces and facilities that benefit everyone. To have the opportunity to design a space that not only meets the educational needs of Gartcosh but also serves as a vibrant community hub, is incredibly fulfilling."

Open to the wider public the project will include a community hall and gardens.

A naturally lit central atroium will double as a social and learning space
A naturally lit central atroium will double as a social and learning space
The new hub will be built on the site of the current Gartcosh Primary
The new hub will be built on the site of the current Gartcosh Primary

1 Comment

A Local Pleb
#1 Posted by A Local Pleb on 11 Jul 2024 at 12:48 PM
A point to note is that this project will not be built on the site of the existing school (it is to small) but instead 1/2km away on a 'redundant' football pitch.

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