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Govan-Partick Bridge positions itself for an autumn opening

July 10 2024

Govan-Partick Bridge positions itself for an autumn opening

The Govan-Partick bridge has assumed its final form with the installation of a 15.7m fixed span section by Farrans, ready to connect up with the previously installed swing section.

Tipping the scales at 45 tons the crucial segment was painstakingly winched into place by a 400-ton crawler crane positioned on a barge positioned alongside.

Scheduled to open by early autumn, around the same time as its bigger brother downstream at Yoker, the £29.5m crossing will join up Pointhouse Quay with Water Row.

Defined by a towering pylon in the form of an inverted 'v' the 64m cable-stayed swing bridge will facilitate pedestrian and cycle traffic between both banks of the River Clyde, improving access to the Riverside Museum.  

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