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Kinghorn flats re-design to boost amenity

July 3 2024

Kinghorn flats re-design to boost amenity

A planned residential development on Burntisland Road in the Fife town of Kinghorn has been given an updated aesthetic after the previously approved project attracted little interest.

Oliver + Robb Architects replaced a withdrawn Fouin + Bell scheme from 2017 with a reworked proposal featuring a modern design of brick and metal defined by large street-facing dormer windows.

The latest changes include narrowing the depth of the blocks to create more usable amenity space to the rear. A retaining wall has also been adjusted with breaks inserted to boost biodiversity.

In a justification statement, the architects wrote: "Planning approval for the erection of 27 flatted dwellings with associated infrastructure, access, parking and landscaping was granted, with conditions, 17 July 2019.

"Since then there has been little interest expressed in developing the site until recently. Fife Council Housing Services wish to develop the site, however, due to identified local housing demand they require an alternative mix with a more robust building aesthetic."

Planners must now weigh whether the latest changes are acceptable under the existing consent. 

Three interlinked blocks of affordable homes are planned, with deck access to the rear
Three interlinked blocks of affordable homes are planned, with deck access to the rear


#1 Posted by Philip on 3 Jul 2024 at 12:03 PM
Good grief.
"A more robust building aesthetic" as in over-bearing, badly detailed and just down right honking?...
#2 Posted by Ian on 4 Jul 2024 at 09:33 AM
Looks like a modern prison block totally out of sinc with existing property in the village.
A complete eyesore.
#3 Posted by Liz on 4 Jul 2024 at 16:13 PM
I would like suitable affordable housing for over 50s already residing in kinghorn
#4 Posted by Jim on 4 Jul 2024 at 19:23 PM
Is that really the best on offer. Its soviet bloc prison cell style is totally out of keeping with the local area. Come on you can do better than Prisoner Cell bloc H!

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