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Demolition request spells the end for a Coatbridge landmark

July 2 2024

Demolition request spells the end for a Coatbridge landmark

A locally significant Coatbridge building will be demolished after efforts by North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) to find an alternative use while retaining the front facade came to nought.

The C-listed property at 1-5 Bank Street in the Blairhill and Dunbeth conservation area, known as the Sharks Mouth Building, will be replaced by a mix of supported and social housing designed by Arm Architects.

A new build is considered the only viable means of bringing the site back into use following fungal spread coupled with failing stonework arising from inappropriate cement repairs and vandalism.

Discounting facade retention as unviable Arm wrote: "... ongoing deterioration has been observed during site visits, which is being monitored by NLC and within NLC there is concern that this will continue whilst the site/buildings remain undeveloped, making façade retention less structurally viable and the repair of the façade will require more extensive replacement of the original stonework.

"The retained façade is currently capable of both structural and fabric repair but the opportunity to achieve significant improvement to its appearance continues to lessen the longer the building is left unoccupied, un-maintained and exposed to the elements."

Citing rising inflation, labour and skills shortages compounded by supply chain disruptions the authority is now pursuing full demolition. The report concluded: "Whilst every effort has been made to progress/implement a design based on façade retention, the additional construction costs cannot be justified by the council for a social housing and supported accommodation unit development."

The approach contrasts with nearby Church Street where a B-listed bank is to be saved and incorporated into a residential development, part of efforts to inject new life into the town centre.

Built as a Masonic Hall the building housed a well known pub called the Sharks Mouth
Built as a Masonic Hall the building housed a well known pub called the Sharks Mouth
The new building is promoted as a means to improve the approach to Coatbridge town centre
The new building is promoted as a means to improve the approach to Coatbridge town centre


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 2 Jul 2024 at 16:31 PM
If only this building had been in Possil it would have been saved to great public acclaim.

The lack of imagination in the whole sorry saga shames Civic Scotland.

Excuse bingo would have been a long game -- so many involved.
#2 Posted by Philip on 3 Jul 2024 at 12:07 PM
Agree 100%
Casual erosion of what scant heritage is left for utter banality. We are slowly turning the vast majority of our built environment into plant crap.
#3 Posted by Eavesdropper2000 on 4 Jul 2024 at 15:55 PM
The local council should hang their heads in shame at the lack of care given to the historic buildings of Coatbridge - yet another one bites the dust. That new terraced balcony will be great for overlooking the adjacent Farmfoods and local neds down in the basin opposite. You also wouldn't believe this is in a conservation area. Madness!
Scott downie
#4 Posted by Scott downie on 4 Jul 2024 at 23:24 PM
Yip more short sighted from council,as they got rid of canal opposite.canals are very attractive,not to the c in north Lanarkshire council

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