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Student housing to fill the shoes of a lost Art Deco furniture store

June 25 2024

Student housing to fill the shoes of a lost Art Deco furniture store

A lost B-listed furniture store in Dundee is to become student accommodation under plans filed by KR Developments and jmarchitects.

The former Willison House at 56 Barrack Street is to be replaced by 367 beds in a variety of studio and cluster flats. An evolution of earlier plans including an element of facade retention the current approach starts from scratch after the emergency demolition of the property in 2022 following a devastating fire.

All that remains on site is a stone wall, with conservation area approval being sought for its demolition with salvaged stones reused where possible. A fire-damaged 'Robertsons' sign salvaged from the ruins will also be incorporated.

In a statement the applicant wrote: "Retaining the listed facade would have been a commendable feat, contributing to the overall character and identity of the development while respecting the site’s heritage. While the fire and subsequent clearance of the site were undoubtedly tragic setbacks, this pause in the project provided an opportunity to reassess and refine the design concept, ensuring that when the project resumed, it would be dethigh-quality development that contributes positively to the community."

Split between a lower and taller nine-storey vertical element to the rear the purpose-built block will present an active frontage to both Barack and Willison Street's with a roof terrace offering views over an adjacent burial ground. Enclosing a private courtyard the mixed buff and red brick design makes use of masonry projections, pre cast bands and chamfered details to break up its mass.

A blank gable will host curated art pending development of a neighbouring plot
A blank gable will host curated art pending development of a neighbouring plot
Robertson's furniture store was demolished in 2022
Robertson's furniture store was demolished in 2022


Hairy Hipster
#1 Posted by Hairy Hipster on 25 Jun 2024 at 12:24 PM
Yeah, sure the fire was a 'tragic setback' to you Mr Developer. Luckily you were able to scrap the facade retention of the listed building though, so I guess the people of Dundee are the real winners, eh.
Bob Smith
#2 Posted by Bob Smith on 25 Jun 2024 at 15:53 PM
Low Quality
look at those mean spirited windows

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