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Giant neo-classical Glasgow warehouse to become student flats

June 24 2024

Giant neo-classical Glasgow warehouse to become student flats

A historic central Glasgow office block is to be redesigned for student housing at the hands of Mosaic Architecture & Design, including the introduction of unified shop frontages and a rooftop amenity space.

Ambassador Group will overhaul Granite House on Stockwell Street by converting floor space to a mix of studio apartments while being sympathetic to the underlying quality of the neoclassical 1920s warehouse.

In a design statement, Mosaic wrote: "... converting Granite House into a student accommodation will be a valuable addition to the Glasgow market. This offers a positive redevelopment opportunity in an underutilised building within an urban setting which requires reinvigorating."

Works will maintain the current entrance with the loss of two shops to accommodate the reconfiguration of two lift shafts to reach the ground floor. On upper levels walls, floors and ceilings will be removed to accommodate 289 cluster and studio apartments with a large void introduced to the central amenity space to provide daylight.

Key to these changes will be the removal of the rear portion of the central wing to bring light deep into the plan, exposing steel frame stairwells which will be reclad in red aluminium. 

A large flat roof will be put to use as outdoor amenity
A large flat roof will be put to use as outdoor amenity


Fat Bloke on Tour
#1 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 24 Jun 2024 at 11:36 AM
Interesting proposal.

However at some point the elastic will snap.
The bubble will burst and it will be back to £100pw.
James Hepburn
#2 Posted by James Hepburn on 24 Jun 2024 at 15:17 PM
I'm relieved as I was concerned there would be no more student housing.
#3 Posted by Matty on 24 Jun 2024 at 22:10 PM
Is that all that gets built in Glasgow nowadays, student flats?
#4 Posted by Peter on 25 Jun 2024 at 08:45 AM
@3 Worry not James.

"A report from accountancy giant PwC warned falling international student numbers and rising wage bills have left ­universities facing a perfect storm. It said 10 of Scotland’s 15 universities are at risk of falling into a financial deficit by 2027."
#5 Posted by NotANimbyJustHateYoungPeople on 25 Jun 2024 at 10:09 AM
@3 yes Matty. And if you can think of any possible reasons why that would be please do drop a note to Paul McLellan MSP as he clearly cant
Hairy Hipster
#6 Posted by Hairy Hipster on 25 Jun 2024 at 12:27 PM
@3 - perhaps its something to do with the chronic undersupply of purpose built student gaffs in Glesga and Embra. Allied with the disastrous Housing Bill succeeding only in removing all funders from the build to rent market in Scotland, student gaffs are the only show in town buddy.

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