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Glen Coe rebuild to break Savile association

June 11 2024

Glen Coe rebuild to break Savile association

Revised plans have been drawn up for a high-profile new home in Glen Coe, made notorious as the home of paedophile Jimmy Savile.

Seeking to wipe the slate clean retailer Aslam has purchased Allt-na-Reigh, moving on from its troubled past by erecting a new build home designed by architect Jon Frullani.

Following conversations with Highland Council the bedroom wing has been switched from white render to dark timber cladding to match the primary living spaces, reducing contrast and creating a unified aesthetic.

In an updated design statement Frullani wrote: "As the existing property is viewed from the A82 when travelling westward, the gable is subtle due to the use of dark timber, giving the effect of a jagged rock formation, mimicking the surrounding mountains and offering a distinctive roofline. It is a traditional form and one that is replicated in the proposed design twice over.

"The gable on the primary axis makes reference to the existing form as it follows the same angle including a 45 degree roof pitch. While the gable following the secondary axis follows the same pitch angle and roof material as its partner volume."

The revised design has been recommended for approval by planners when it goes before councillors on 18 June. 


#1 Posted by KB on 11 Jun 2024 at 12:37 PM
Glad this is coming to an end. Building looks very sympathetic to the area.
Graeme McCormick
#2 Posted by Graeme McCormick on 11 Jun 2024 at 12:44 PM
As Saville was never convicted of an offence, albeit there is much information now in the public domain suggesting his criminal conduct, it’s wrong to term him the way you have of you believe in the rule of law.
Milk a Cow Blindfolded
#3 Posted by Milk a Cow Blindfolded on 11 Jun 2024 at 13:25 PM
Shaky ground there Graeme
Jimbob Tanktop
#4 Posted by Jimbob Tanktop on 11 Jun 2024 at 14:37 PM
Genghis Khan was reputedly a tad headstrong but for legal reasons we can't link him to fifty million deaths.
#5 Posted by Dave on 11 Jun 2024 at 14:53 PM
Hope it gets approved, looks fine enough. Probably a bunch of busy bodies objecting as usual
#6 Posted by Matt on 13 Jun 2024 at 11:26 AM

#7 Posted by Matt on 13 Jun 2024 at 11:35 AM
...#2 rather.
that's quite a bizarre comment. Boasting about your legal savvy or promoting ambivalence for a monstrous sex pest...?
Humza Doofus
#8 Posted by Humza Doofus on 13 Jun 2024 at 12:14 PM
To be fair to number 2, he/they have delivered next level 'Most offended person ever'ing on behalf of the monstrous Jimmy Savile.
Big Delicious
#9 Posted by Big Delicious on 14 Jun 2024 at 15:38 PM
Hitler did himself in before he could be tried, I hope you're jumping to his defense for no reason too mate since he was never convicted for all that WW2 business
#10 Posted by TheFakeArchitect on 14 Jun 2024 at 16:09 PM
Good job you cant use emoji's in these comments or the watching eyes would definitely be used in response to #2..
D to the R
#11 Posted by D to the R on 17 Jun 2024 at 13:40 PM
Get #2 to a safe house .... NOW !
Nairn's Bairn
#12 Posted by Nairn's Bairn on 17 Jun 2024 at 16:13 PM
I give it a month after completion of this holiday home for the omnipresent 'Jimmy the Beast' graffiti to reappear.

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