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Alternate history visualisations show landmarks as they could have been

May 29 2024

Alternate history visualisations show landmarks as they could have been

Architecture is littered with lost masterpieces and forgotten competition designs but now a selection of these have been brought to life to illustrate how key landmarks could have looked had history taken a different path.

Commissioned by TransPennine Express the series sees the likes of Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum as well as The National Monument of Scotland in Edinburgh shown in radically different guises by This Is Render.

Built in 1892 to competition-winning designs by London-based architects John William Simpson and Edmund John Milne Kelvingrove is firmly established as an architectural favourite in the city but would that still be the case if this budget version with a scaled-back entrance and corner towers had been chosen?

The design by architects Treadwell and Martin now lies forgotten alongside perhaps the greatest What if? of all, an unexecuted design by Honeyman Keppie & Mackintosh.

One of Edinburgh's most recognisable landmarks The National Monument with the Parthenon-style by Lord Elgin remaining unfinished to this day owing to a lack of funds. Pipped to the post was architect Archibald Elliott who proposed a radically different Pantheon-style church. 

The full series covers six UK landmarks including Manchester Cathedral and Newcastle's Black Gate Museum.

It's unlikely that this alternate National Monument would have been fully built even if selected
It's unlikely that this alternate National Monument would have been fully built even if selected
Only a fraction of the costs needed to build the landmark were ever made available
Only a fraction of the costs needed to build the landmark were ever made available

The real Kelvingrove opened its doors in 1901
The real Kelvingrove opened its doors in 1901


devilish advocaat
#1 Posted by devilish advocaat on 29 May 2024 at 13:47 PM
Money well spent.
#2 Posted by Roddy_ on 30 May 2024 at 00:46 AM
Good fun but the one everyone wants to see is Mackintosh's entry for Liverpool Cathedral. Masterly.

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