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Shoulder roof terraces to support Collegelands completion

May 29 2024

Shoulder roof terraces to support Collegelands completion

Dawn Developments and Drum Property Group with Manson Architects have shared their current thinking on how to complete the Collegelands masterplan east of Glasgow city centre.

The joint venture partners, together known as Glasgow Enlightenment, propose a mix of 588 student beds and 157 mainstream apartments set within a 2.5 acre park for the £95m development.

Collegelands Park will also include a hireable events space, community lounge and cafe operated by local charity Dream Machine Productions.

Changes made since the initial phase of consultation include lowering building 'shoulders' to form roof terraces and capping the maximum height of the buildings at 11 storeys. Tweaks to the footprint of the eastern block have also been made to create a more urban frontage to Hunter and Havannah Street.

Paul O’Donnell, of Glasgow Enlightenment, said: “We listened when some concerns were raised about the height of the buildings, and we have acted to address this issue, reconfiguring the plans, before submitting the final planning application in July.

“More detailed plans have also been made for the arts facility which will be built by local charity Dream Machine Productions. It will now feature a modular design inspired by a traditional Glasgow bandstand, with enclosed indoor space opening out into a courtyard. The courtyard space will have “Happy to Chat” benches, free Wi-Fi, charging points and spaces that encourage outdoor remote working.”

Feedback is invited to 19 June ahead of a formal planning application this summer.

A Calton-based charity will manage a community lounge and arts centre
A Calton-based charity will manage a community lounge and arts centre
The latest designs feature lowered shoulders in deference to the park
The latest designs feature lowered shoulders in deference to the park


#1 Posted by Roddy_ on 30 May 2024 at 00:41 AM
When a masterplan like Collegelands has failed as badly as it has, should we expect anything better than this?

You should have a look at the consultation drawings - the linear park and general arrangement of the external spaces are frankly appalling. One cannot escape the impression that the so-called park is a sop for the planners to consent what will be a thoroughly sub-optimal piece of townscape to go with the rest of the thoroughly appalling townscape.
#2 Posted by Bob on 30 May 2024 at 08:30 AM
More brown envelopes under tables to ruin this city with the endless wave of exploitative student "accommodation" £900 a month cupboards GCC should all be flogged
Fat Bloke on Tour
#3 Posted by Fat Bloke on Tour on 30 May 2024 at 17:29 PM
Work-a-day filler -- stodge with a twist / roof terraces -- but badly needed stodge to finish off the eastern end on the development.

Just leaves the western end to awake from the dead for the area to be completed and we can move on.

Not sure about the "community" lounge -- looks like a gang hut for the usual distressed gentlefolk trying to be credible through having a go at "arts and crafts".

Hopefully it gets used but I don't think the bookies will be taking bets on its longevity.
Albert Pierrepoint
#4 Posted by Albert Pierrepoint on 30 May 2024 at 20:15 PM
#3 phew... You were a bit quiet there. Thought you had forgotten about us on your Santorini break..
Did you remember to cancel the milk?

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