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Hamilton town centre masterplan moves to the design stage

May 28 2024

Hamilton town centre masterplan moves to the design stage

South Lanarkshire Council has progressed its master plan for Hamilton town centre to the design stage after councillors agreed to allocate £100k from the Common Good Fund.

The cash will fund design work to unlock potential national funding for town centre improvement work over the coming decades.

Councillor Lesley McDonald commented: “A report on the Hamilton Town Centre Masterplan was presented to the executive committee in February, setting the strategic priorities and investment for the town centre for at least the next 15 years. 

“To meet these aims, pursue all opportunities for Government funding, and compete with other local authorities, developed plans for projects incorporated within the Masterplan need to be in place."

Threesixty Architecture is leading the masterplan development which focuses on replacing retail with residential apartments, notably through the demolition of the New Cross Shopping Centre, permitting the regeneration of Quarry Street.  

Hundreds of new town centre homes are to be built
Hundreds of new town centre homes are to be built

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